Corporate Social Responsibility/SMET

What We Value

Our People

We are global employers. Our team spans 8 countries in 13 locations and consists of more than 1,000 people.

Our Community

The stakeholders to which JP owes the greatest duty, are our shareholders, our team, our partners, our customers, our suppliers, and their families.

Ethics and Integrity

At JP, we are simply good people with whom to do business. We have been committed to operating in accordance with straightforward principles of fair dealing.

The Environment

We require all the businesses in our Group to implement and adhere to environmental policies.

St. Mary Education Trust

In keeping with our CSR Policy, along with our usual support for the Sydney A. Philips Scholarship, in 2020 we proudly partnered with the Sydney A. Phillips Scholarship Trust Fund to incorporate a registered charity for the furtherance of tertiary education, the St. Mary Education Trust (SMET).